Byggarbetsmiljö BAS-P/BAS-U

Course for Construction Work Environment Cordinators (BAS-P/U) på engelska

Course held in English 

Boka kurs

Kursnr. 8359

Bokning görs på 031 - 350 55 00 eller

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Course participants will receive information and knowledge about the legal and practical aspect of the working environment and coordination of building and civil engineering work in Sweden. This two-day course is the equivalent of our BAS-P/U grundkurs and is delivered in the English language with all course material in English.

You learn

  • The basics of the Swedish Working Environment Law
  • The responsibilities of client, BAS-P and BAS-U
  • How to use a work environment plan

For you who

  • Needs to understand the role as construction environment coordinator

Course contains

The course is two days.

Contents include:

  • The basics of the Swedish Working Environment Law and the work environment management system.
  • The main risks for accidents and for the workers’ health in a construction company?
  • How to collaborate between the employer, safety representatives and employees and the role of a safety committee.
  • The specific legislation of building and civil engineering. Which different provisions do construction companies need to follow and which have sanction fees etc.
  • What are the main sections of the provision AFS 2009:2 Work place design?
  • What are the main sections of the provision AFS 1999:3 Building and civil engineering work?
  • The main content of a work environment plan (AMP).
  • Responsibilities of client, BAS-P and BAS-U.
  • The effect of chemical hazards and some overview of the provision.
  • An overview of the effect of injury on the body and an overview of the noise, vibration musco-skeletal injuries, dust etc.
  • Specific provision as for dock work, tunnel work, heavy working machineries, permission to drive machineries etc
  • Risk assessment. The general method and some specific methods. Exercise in using the risk assessment and the method statement.
  • Exercise in development of a simple AMP, with examples of different AMPs and general risk assessments. What can be improved/used in these documents?
  • Review of the collaboration with the client, main entrepreneur, subcontractors and the trade unions. Questions to be answered.

Course Objectives

Course participants will get to know the different responsibilities of the employer, the workers, clients, entrepreneurs and subcontractors. The course will give the participants knowledge over how to organise the collaboration between the clients, entrepreneurs, subcontractors, employers, and workers. Participants will understand the different risks involved and be given information about preventive actions.

Participants will be familiar with various important databases and information centres in Sweden.

Participants will also gain experience of using a Work Environment Plan, checklists and other methods used for investigations, risk assessments and inspections of the working environment, and will be trained in applying many of them.

Homework: A special home assignment with 20 questions and a test.

Total training time: Total 24 hours including approximately 8 hours homework.

Diploma: To get our course diploma (kursintyg), participants must take part in both course days, complete the homework assignment and pass the final test. A Teknologisk Institut diploma will then be handed over


Managers, supervisors, project managers, designing engineers and other who will be involved in the coordination, planning and execution of construction work.

Previous Knowledge and Experience

Experience from working on construction projects necessary.


Course for Construction Work Environment Cordinators (BAS-P/U) på engelska

För information om genomförande vänligen kontakta oss på telefon 031-350 55 00 eller e-post